Group member Kathy alerted us to an abandoned camp just off the trail in Greg Davis Park. We’ll give it a couple days to dry out this week and hit it on Thursday morning. There is another tent within 50 yards or so and we’ll make contact with them prior to the cleanup and let them know what we’re doing. This cleanup area is up a little staircase dug into the dirt hillside so won’t be a suitable spot for all members, but if you’d like to help still come out and you can pack out bags from the flat areas or simply use grabbers in the neighborhood and Cottage Grove Park just across the street. All are welcome.
Parking & Meet-Up
The best parking may be along 26th between Greg Davis and Cottage Grove Parks on the east side of the street. You’ll see the van there when you pull in. Feel free to reach out at 206-852-9552 (Erik).
Abandoned camp in Greg Davis Park